The next working bee is this Saturday 27th of September – we understand some of you will have grand final functions to attend so we have scheduled it for the morning with a nice early start of 9am. It is going to be out towards Sandhurst Reservoir and involves some re-routing of the Goldfields Track to remove some highly eroded sections. This will be our 3rd instalment of 4 working bees we have committed to provide with Parks Victoria in exchange for funds towards our club.
We will meet at the end of Wattle Drive in Spring Gully as usual.
We expect to work until about 1pm so you will have time to get back to town for the opening bounce.
To reduce our carbon footprint we will be providing water from large containers rather than individual bottles so please bring your own bottle for filling. Other than that we recommend that you wear boots, gloves, hat, sunscreen and sunglasses.
The GT sign post work requires travel to another location – please try to be at Wattle Drive by 8:45 to ensure getting away by 9am. Bring water, cloves, hat etc.
Wattle Drive, Spring Gully